Saturday, 21 May 2022

12th Bio Botany Chapter 2 Important Questions And Notes

12th Botany notes



1. Write the importance of variations

(1) Variations make some individuals better fitted in the struggle for existence.

(2) It provides the genetic material for natural selection

2. Explain – types of variation

(1) Discontinuous Variation

 Within a population there are some characteristics which show a limited form of variation. Example: Style length in Primula, plant height of garden pea.

(2) Continuous Variation

 This variation may be due to the combining effects of environmental and genetic factors. Example: Human height and skin color.

3. Define – heredity and variation

(1) Heredity is the transmission of characters from parents to offsprings.

(2) The organisms belonging to the same natural population or species that shows a difference in the characteristics is called variation.

4. Define the following terms

(1) Alleles

Traits are expressed in different ways due to the fact that a gene can exist in alternate forms for the same trait is called alleles.

(2) Hybrid

Mendels non-true breeding plants are heterozygous, called as hybrids.

5. Define – law of independent assortment

(1) When two pairs of traits are combined in a hybrid, segregation of one pair of characters is independent to the other pair of characters.

(2) Genes that are located in different chromosomes assort independently during meiosis.

6. List out the intragenic interactions

(1) Incomplete dominance

(2) Codominance

(3) Multiple alleles

(4) Pleiotropic genes

7. What is incomplete dominance?

When one allele is not completely dominant to another allele it shows incomplete dominance. Such allelic interaction is known as incomplete dominance.

8. What is meant by codominance?

Two alleles are both expressed in the heterozygous individual is known as codominance.

Example: Red and white flowers of Camellia

9. What is “Lethal allele”?

An allele which has the potential to cause the death of an organism is called a “Lethal Allele” 

10. What are pleiotropic genes?

(1) In Pleiotropy, the single gene affects multiple traits and alter the phenotype of the organism. 

(2) The Pleiotropic gene influences a number ofThe Pleiotropic gene influences a number of characters simultaneously and such genes are called pleiotropic gene. 

11. Define – epistatic and hypostatic

The gene that suppresses or masks the phenotypic expression of a gene at another locus is known as epistatic.  The gene whose expression is interfered by non-allelic genes and prevents from  exhibiting its character is known as hypostatic. 

12. What is locus? 

The site or position of a particular gene on a chromosome. 

13. Define – dominant epistasis

It is a gene interaction in which two alleles of a gene at one locus interfere and suppress or mask the phenotypic expression of a different pair of alleles of another  gene at another locus. 


1. Explain – dihybrid test cross

2. Draw dominant epistasis in summer squash

3 Draw the incomplete dominance in 4’ O Clock plant

12th Bio Botany Chapter 1 Important Questions And Notes

12th Bio-Botany notes




1. What are clones?

Morphological & genetically identical are clones. 

2. What is polyembryony? Give example.

Occurrence of more than 1 embryo in a seed.

Example: Orchids

3. List out the types of polyembryony.

1. Cleavage polyembryony

2. Formation of embryo by cells of the Embryo sac other than egg

3. Development of more than one Embryo sac within the same ovule

4. Activation of some sporophytic cells of the ovule

4. Define apomixis

Reproduction does not involve union of male and female gametes.

5. Classify apomixis by Maheswari.

1. Recurrent apomixis

2. Non recurrent apomixis

6 Define – Agamaspory

Embryos are formed by eliminating meiosis and syngamy.

7. What is sporophytic budding?

An Embryo arises directly from the diploid sporophytic cells either from nucellus or integument. 

Example: Citrus

8. What is somatic apospory?

(1)Megaspore mother cell undergoes the normal meiosis and 4 megaspores formed gradually disappear.  

(2) A nucellar cell becomes activated and develops into a diploid embryo sac. 

Example: Hieracium

9. Define the term Diplospory.

Diploid embryo sac is formed from megaspore mother cell without regular meiotic division. 

Example: Aerva

10. List out the functions of endosperm

(1)It is the nutritive tissue for the developing embryo.

(2)In majority of angiosperms, the zygote divides only after the development of endosperm. 

(3)Endosperm regulates the precise mode of embryo development.

11. Write a short note on Cicer seed

(1) The mature seeds are attached to the fruit wall by a stalk called funiculus.  

(2) The funiculus disappears leaving a scar called hilum.

(3) Below the hilum a small pore called micropyle is present.

(4) The outer coat is called testa and is hard

(5) The inner coat is thin, membranous and is called tegmen.

(6) The portion of embryonal axis projecting beyond the cotyledons is called radicle 

(7) The other end of the axis called embryonic shoot is the plumule.

(8) Embryonal axis above the level of cotyledon is called epicotyl

(9) Cylindrical region between the level of cotyledon is called hypocotyl 

12. Give a detailed account on parthenocarpy. Add a note on its significance. 

1) Fruit like structures may develop from the ovary without fertilization – Parthenocarpic fruits. 

Example: Banana (Seedless)

2) Significance

a) Great significance in horticulture.

b) Great commercial importance.

c) Used for preparation of jams, jellies etc.

d) High proportion of edible part is available in Parthenocarpic fruits due to the absence of seeds.

13. Write a short notes on Oryza seed

(1)The seed of paddy is one seeded and is called Caryopsis

(2) It is separated from embryo by a definite layer called epithelium.

(3) The embryo is small and consists of one shield shaped cotyledon known as scutellum present towards lateral side of embryonal axis.

(4) A short axis with plumule and radicle protected by the root cap is


(5) The plumule is surrounded by a protective sheath called coleoptile.

(6) The radicle including root cap is also covered by a protective sheath called coleorhiza. 

14. Differentiate the structure of dicot seed and monocot seed.

15. Explain the various stages involved in the development of embryo.

(1) The embryo develops at micropylar end of embryo sac.

(2) The zygote undergoes transverse division to form upper or terminal cell and lower or basal cell.

(3) Further divisions in the zygote during the development lead to the formation of embryo.

(4) Embryo undergoes globular, heart shaped stages before reaching a mature stage.  

(5)The mature embryo has a radicle, two cotyledons and a plumule.

16. What is Endosperm? Explain its types.

1) Primary Endosperm Nucleus divides immediately after fertilization but before the zygote starts to divide, to form zygote. 

2) Types:

a) Nuclear Endosperm:

(i) PEN undergoes several mitotic divisions without cell wall

formation, thus free nuclear condition exists in endosperm.

(ii) Example: Arachis 

b) Cellular Endosperm:

(i) PEN divides into 2 nuclei and it is immediately followed by wall formation. 

(ii) Example: Adoxa

c) Helobial Endosperm:

(i) PEN moves towards base of embryo sac and divides into 2 nuclei. Cell wall formation takes place leading to the  formation of 

➔ Micropylar chamber (Nuclear divisions occurs)

➔ Chalazal chamber (No division)

(ii) Example: Hydrilla

d) Ruminate endosperm:

(i) The endosperm with irregularity and unevenness in its

surface forms ruminate endosperm.

(ii) Example: Areca catechu


17. With a suitable diagram explain the structure of an ovule.

1. Ovule is protected by one or two covering called integuments.

2. The stalk attaches the ovule to the placenta.

3. The point of attachment of funicle to the body of the ovule is known as hilum.  

4. In an inverted ovule, the funicle is adnate to the body of the ovule

forming a ridge called raphe.

5. The body of the ovule is made up of a central mass of parenchymatous tissue called nucellus. 

6. The nucellus is enveloped by one or two protective coverings called integuments.  

7. Integument encloses the nucellus completely except at the top where it is free and forms a pore called micropyle. 

8. The ovule with one or two integuments are said to be unitegmic or bitegmic ovules. 

9. The basal region of the body of the ovule where the nucellus, the integument and the funicle meet is called as chalaza.  

10. There is a large, oval, sac-like structure in the nucellus toward the micropylar end called embryo sac  

11. The inner layer of the integument may become specialized to perform the nutritive function for the embryo sac and is called as endothelium.

12. If the sporogenous cell is hypodermal with a single layer of nucellar tissue around it is called tenuinucellate type.  

13. Ovules with subhypodermal sporogenous cell is called crassinucellate type.  

14. Group of cells found at the base of the ovule between the chalaza and embryo sac is called hypostase. 

15. The thick -walled cells found above the micropylar end above the embryo sac is called epistase. 

18. List out the advantages and disadvantages of natural vegetative reproduction. 


1) Only 1 parent is required for propagation.

2) The new individual plants produced are genetically identical.

3) In some plants, this enables to spread rapidly. Example: Spinifex

4) Horticulturists and farmers utilize these organs of natural vegetative reproduction for cultivation and to harvest plants in large scale. 


1) New plants produced have no genetic variation.

19. What is tapetum? List out its types and write its functions.

It is the innermost layer of anther wall and attains its maximum

development at the tetrad stage of microsporogenesis.


Secretory tapetum

Invasive tapetum

Functions of Tapetum

• It supplies nutrition to the developing microspores.

• It contributes sporopollenin through ubisch bodies thus plays an

important role in pollen wall formation.

• The pollenkitt material is contributed by tapetal cells and is later

transferred to the pollen surface.

20. Explain the various types of ovules


(1)Micropyle is at the distal end

(2) Micropyle,the funicle and the chalaza lie in one straight vertical

line. Example: Piperaceae


(1)The body of the ovule becomes completely inverted

(2)Micropyle and funiculus come to lie very close to each other.

Example: dicots


(1) Body of the ovule is placed transversely and at right angles to the


(2)Example: Primulaceae.


(1)The body of the ovule at the micropylar end is curved

(2)Bean shaped. Micropyle oriented towards the placenta.

Example: Leguminosae


(1)The distance between hilum and chalaza is less.

(2)The curvature of the ovule leads to horse-shoe shaped nucellus.

Example: Alismataceae.


(1)Funiculus is very long and surrounds the ovule.

Example: Cactaceae

21. Discuss the steps involved in microsporogenesis.

1) The stages involved in the formation of haploid microspores from diploid microspore mother cell through meiosis is called  Microsporogenesis.

2) The primary sporogeneous cells directly, or may undergo a few mitotic divisions to form sporogenous tissue.

3) The last generation of sporogenous tissue functions as microspore mother cells.  

4) Each microspore mother cell divides meiotically to form a tetrad of four haploid microspores.  

5) Microspores soon separate from one another and remain free in the anther locule and develop into pollen grains.  

6) In some plants, all the microspores in a microsporangium remain held together called pollinium. Example: Calotropis.  

7) Pollinia are attached to a clamp or clip like sticky structure called corpusculum.  

8) The thread like part arising from each pollinium is called retinaculum.  

9) The whole structure looks like inverted letter 'Y' and is called translator.

22. Write a note on heterostyly

(1) Some plants produce two or three different forms of flowers that

are different in their length of stamens and style.

(2) Pollination will take place only between organs of the same length.

23. Explain – Lever mechanism in Salvia

(1)When a bee visits a flower, it sits on the lower lip which acts as a platform.  

(2)It enters the flower to suck the nectar by pushing its head into the corolla.  

(3)During the entry of the bee into the flower the body strikes against the sterile end of the connective. 

(4)This makes the fertile part of the stamen to descend and strike at the back of the bee. 

(5)The pollen gets deposited on the back of the bee.

(6) When it visits another flower, the pollen gets rubbed against the stigma and completes the act of pollination in Salvia  

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

12th Physics Important Questions For Public Exam 2022


12th physics important questions



1. Define ‘Electric dipole’and dipole moment?

2. Define ‘electrostatic potential”.

3. Define ‘electric flux’. Mention its unit.

4. Define ‘capacitance’. Give its unit.

5. What is corona discharge?

6. State Coulomb’s law.


1. Derive an expression for the torque experienced by a dipole due to a uniform electric field.  

2. Derive an expression for electrostatic potential due to a point charge.

3. Obtain the expression for capacitance for a parallel plate capacitor.

4. Obtain the expression for energy stored in the parallel plate capacitor.


1. Calculate the electric field due to a dipole on its axial line.

2. Derive an expression for electrostatic potential due to an electric dipole.

3. Obtain the expression for electric field due to an infinitely long charged wire.

4. Derive the expression for resultant capacitance, when capacitors are connected in series and in parallel.  

5. Explain in detail the construction and working of a Van de Graaff generator.



1. Distinguish between drift velocity and mobility.

2. Define electrical resistivity. Mention its unit.

3. Define temperature coefficient of resistance. Mention its unit.

4. Distinguish electric power and electric energy?

5. What is Thomson effect?

6. What is Peltier effect?


1. Obtain the macroscopic form of Ohm’s law from its microscopic form and discuss its limitation.  

2. State and explain Kirchhoff’s rules.

3. Explain the equivalent resistance of a series and parallel resistor network

4. Explain the determination of the internal resistance of a cell using voltmeter.


1. Describe the microscopic model of current and obtain general form of Ohm’s law.

2. Obtain the condition for bridge balance in Wheatstone’s bridge.



1. Define magnetic flux. Mention its unit.

2. State Coulomb’s inverse law in magnetism.

3. State Ampere’s circuital law.

4. State flemmings left hand rule

5. How is a galvanometer converted into i)ammeter ii) voltmeter


1. Find the magnetic induction due to a long straight conductor using Ampere’s circuital law. 

2. Give an account of magnetic lorrentz force.

3. Explain how galvanometer is converted into an ammeter.

4. Explain how galvanometer is converted into an voltmeter.


1. Deduce the relation for the magnetic induction at a point due to an infinitely long straight conductor carrying current. 

2. Obtain an expression for the force between two long parallel current carrying conductor.

3. Obtain an expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field.



1. State Fleming’s right hand rule.

2. Mention the ways of producing induced emf.

3. Define electric resonance.

4. How will you define Q-factor?


1. How will you induce an emf by changing the area enclosed by the coil?

2. Mention the various energy losses in a transformer.

3. Find out the phase relationship between voltage and current in a pure resistive circuit.

4. Assuming that the length of the solenoid is large when compared to its diameter, find the equation for its inductance.  


1. Show mathematically that the rotation of a coil in a magnetic field over one rotation induces an alternating emf of one cycle.  

2. Explain the construction and working of transformer.

3. Find out the phase relationship between voltage and current in a pure inductive circuit.

4. Derive an expression for phase angle between the applied voltage and current in a series RLC circuit.  



1. Write down the integral form of modified Ampere’s circuital law.

2. What is meant by Fraunhofer lines?

3. Why are em waves non mechanical?


1. What are emission spectra? Give their types.

2. What are absorption spectra? Give their types.

3. Write down the properties of electromagnetic waves.




1. State the laws of refraction (OR) Snells law.

2. What is critical angle and total internal reflection?

3. What is Rayleigh’s scattering?

4. Why does sky appear blue?

5. What is the reason for reddish appearance of sky during sunset and sunrise?

6. Why does clouds appear white?


1. Derive the relation between f and R for a spherical mirror.

2. What is optical path? Obtain the equation for optical path of a medium of thickness

d and refractive index n.

3. Obtain the equation for apparent depth.

4. Obtain the equation for critical angle.


1. Derive the mirror equation and the equation for lateral magnification.

2. Describe the Fizeau’s method to determine speed of light.

3. Obtain lens maker’s formula and mention its significance.

4. Derive the equation for angle of deviation produced by a prism and thus obtain the equation for refractive index of material of the prism 

5. What is dispersion? Obtain the equation for dispersive power of a medium.



1. What is Huygens’ principle?

2. What is bandwidth of interference pattern?

3. What are plane polarised, unpolarised and partially polarised light?

4. State Brewster’s law.


1. Mention the differences between interference and diffraction

2. State and obtain Malus’ law

3. List the uses of polaroids.

4. What is angle of polarisation and obtain the equation for angle of polarisation. (OR)

State and obtain Brewster’s law.


1. Obtain the equation for bandwidth in Young’s double slit experiment.

2. Discuss about simple microscope and obtain the equations for magnification for near point focusing and normal focusing. 



1. Define work function of a metal. Give its unit.

2. What is photoelectric effect?

3. How will you define threshold frequency?

4. Define stopping potential.


1. List out the laws of photoelectric effect.

2. Give the construction and working of photo emissive cell.

3. Derive an expression for de Broglie wavelength of electrons.

4. Write the applications fo photo cells.


1. Obtain Einstein’s photoelectric equation with necessary explanation.

2. Describe briefly Davisson – Germer experiment which demonstrated the wave nature of electrons.  



1. What is meant by excitation energy.

2. Define the ionization energy and ionization potential.

3. Define impact parameter.

4. What is mass defect?

5. What is binding energy of a nucleus? Give its expression.

6. Calculate the energy equivalent of 1 atomic mass unit.

7. What is mean life of nucleus? Give the expression.

8. What is meant by activity or decay rate? Give its unit.

9. Define curie.


1. Write the properties of cathode rays.

2. Write down the postulates of Bohr atom model.

3. Derive the energy expression for hydrogen atom using Bohr atom model.

4. What are the properties of nuclear force.

5. Discuss the alpha decay process with example.

6. Discuss the gamma decay process with example.

7. Discuss the properties of neutrino and its role in beta decay.


1. Explain the J.J. Thomson experiment to determine the specific charge of electron.

2. Discuss the spectral series of hydrogen atom.

3. Obtain the law of radioactivity.

4. Obtain an expression for the radius and velocity of the electron in the nth orbit.



1. What do you mean by doping?

2. Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.

3. What is rectification?

4. What is an integrated circuit?

5. What is modulation?

6. Define centre frequency or resting frequency in frequency modulation.


1. Transistor functions as a switch. Explain.

2. State and prove De Morgan’s First and Second theorems.

3. What are the advantages and limitations of FM?


1. Draw the circuit diagram of a half wave rectifier and explain its working.

2. Explain the construction and working of a full wave rectifier.




12th Physics Most Important 2 Marks 2021-2022


(Book back questions alone)

12th physics important questions



1. What is meant by quantisation of charges?

2. Write down Coulomb’s law in vector form and mention what each term represents.

3. What are the differences between Coulomb force and gravitational force?

4. Write a short note on superposition principle.

5. Define ‘electric field’.

6. What is mean by ‘electric field lines’? (DELETED)

7. The electric field lines never intersect. Justify. (DELETED)

8. Define ‘electric dipole’. Give the expression for the magnitiude of its electric dipole moment and the 


9. Write the general definition of electric dipole moment for a collection of point charge.

10. Define ‘electrostatic potential”.

11. What is an equipotential surface? (DELETED)

12. What are the properties of an equipotential surface? (DELETED)

13. Give the relation between electric field and electric potential. (DELETED)

14. Define ‘electrostatic potential energy’.

15. Define ‘electric flux’.

16. What is meant by electrostatic energy density?

17. Write a short note on ‘electrostatic shielding’. (DELETED)

18. What is polarisation? (DELETED)

19. What is dielectric strength? (DELETED)

20. Define ‘capacitance’. Give its unit.

21. What is corona discharge?


(red coloured shaded questions are deleted)

1. Why current is a scalar?

2. Define current density.

3. Distinguish between drift velocity and mobility.

4. State microscopic form of Ohm’s law.

5. State macroscopic form of Ohm’s law.

6. What are ohmic and non ohmic devices?

7. Define electrical resistivity.

8. Define temperature coefficient of resistance.

9. Write a short note on superconductors?

10. What is electric power and electric energy?

11. Derive the expression for power P=VI in electrical circuit.

12. Write down the various forms of expression for power in electrical circuit.

13. State Kirchhoff’s current rule.

14. State Kirchhoff’s voltage rule.

15. State the principle of potentiometer. (DELETED)

16. What do you mean by internal resistance of a cell?

17. State Joule’s law of heating. (DELETED)

18. What is Seebeck effect?

19. What is Thomson effect?

20. What is Peltier effect?

21. State the applications of Seebeck effect.


1. What is meant by magnetic induction? (DELETED)

2. Define magnetic flux.

3. Define magnetic dipole moment.

4. State Coulomb’s inverse law.

5. What is magnetic susceptibility? (DELETED)

6. State Biot-Savart’s law.

7. What is magnetic permeability? (DELETED)

8. State Ampere’s circuital law.

9. Compare dia, para and ferro-magnetism. (DELETED)

10. What is meant by hysteresis? (DELETED)

11. Define magnetic declination and inclination. (DELETED)

12. What is resonance condition in cyclotron? (DELETED)

13. Define ampere.

14. State Fleming's left hand rule.

15. Is an ammeter connected in series or parallel in a circuit? Why?

16. Explain the concept of velocity selector.

17. Why is the path of a charged particle not a circle when its velocity is not perpendicular to the magnetic field?

18. Give the properties of dia / para / ferromagnetic materials. (DELETED)

19. What happens to the domains in a ferromagnetic material in the presence of external magnetic field? (DELETED)

20. How is a galvanometer converted into (i) an ammeter and (ii) a voltmeter?


1. What is meant by electromagnetic induction?

2. State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. (DELETED)

3. State Lenz’s law. (DELETED)

4. State Fleming’s right hand rule.

5. How is Eddy current produced? How do they flow in a conductor? (DELETED)

6. Mention the ways of producing induced emf.

7. What for an inductor is used? Give some examples.

8. What do you mean by self-induction?

9. What is meant by mutual induction?

10. Give the principle of AC generator. (DELETED)

11. List out the advantages of stationary armature-rotating field system of AC generator. (DELETED)

12. What are step-up and step-down transformers?

13. Define average value of an alternating current.

14. How will you define RMS value of an alternating current?

15. What are phasors?

16. Define electric resonance.

17. What do you mean by resonant frequency?

18. How will you define Q-factor?

19. What is meant by wattles current?

20. Give any one definition of power factor.

21. What are LC oscillations?


1. What is displacement current?

2. What are electromagnetic waves?

3. Write down the integral form of modified Ampere’s circuital law.

4. Write notes on Gauss' law in magnetism.

5. Give two uses each of (i) IR radiation, (ii) Microwaves and (iii) UV radiation.

6. What are Fraunhofer lines? How are they useful in the identification of elements present in the Sun?

7. Write notes on Ampere-Maxwell law.

8. Why are e.m. waves non-mechanical?

Sunday, 10 April 2022

10,11,12 Students Are Very Confused Because Of The Government

 Tamilnadu: Students of Class 10, 11 and 12 who are going to write their public exams from May month, are very confused regarding their portions for their public exam. On April 5, tamilnadu education minister had officially announced in a press meet that they won't ask any questions apart from revision exams conducted during February and March. He also announced that it won't be logic If they ask the remaining portions which are not conducted for revision exams. 

But the next day itself, that is on 6th April, the department for examinations has announced that students have to write all the portions that is which the government reduced 30% during September month 2021. This news made students confused and made them stressed. 

Again during 8th April 2022, the education department had announced that a 3rd revision exam should be conducted by the respective schools. But in most of the schools they still not completed the portions. How it is possible for the students to prepare for the revision exam as well as for the public exam. Many Students are forwarding a letter through WhatsApp regarding to reduce their portions for public exam. Students hope that the forwarded message might be heard by the education minister. But we don't wheather minister will look into students message. 

On April 9, our education minister told in press meet that students should write their public exam without any fear. How could students write without fear. Government won't reduce the portions but students have to write the exams without any fear. Are they thinking students as a toy? 

On 10th April, in Sun News Channel at 3.55 pm they have published a news that students are asked to study only 6 units instead of 9 units which really made students to go to more confusion. Students really depressed and stressed. Government should make a single confirmed decision so that students can prepare for their public exam. 

Friday, 8 April 2022

Sad News For Students Of Class 10,11 and 12 of Tamilnadu

Chennai, Tamilnadu: students of class 10, 11 and 12 are very stressed with their upcoming exams since the government is not at all thinking about the students situation. On 5th April 2022, Tamilnadu School Education minister had officially announced in a press meet that they won't ask any questions apart from the revision exams conducted during March and April. But the next day itself, that is on 6th April 2022, the department for examinations has announced that all reduced portions are ther for public exam. 

But minister said that they won't ask any questions apart from the revision exam portions. This issue made all students to fall in depression. And on 7th April 2022, again the government gave a shock news for 10, 11 and 12 students that they'll have a 3rd revision examination which must be conducted by school during this month. 

Still only nearly 15 days alone left, how it is possible to teach those remaining lessons and how is it possible to conduct revision test. For example in 12th physics still 3 lessons are pending to teach apart from revision exam portions, then how it is possible to teach all 3 lessons in a single week and conduct the revision exam in next week. 

It is totally not at all fair. Students needs practice to write full portion exams, so that they can write the public exam without any fear. They are students not machines to learn everything in a single month. If the Tamilnadu Government reduces the remaining portion apart from the revision exams conducted, students will be very happy and they'll write the exams well. 

Especially students of class 12 has no experience in writing public exams. This year is going to be the first year to write the public exam. So the government should not make the students to go to depression. 

Sunday, 3 April 2022

12th Maths Important Questions With Answers 2022

 12th Maths Important questions 

This material is officially released by the education department of madurai district for 12th maths. You can use this material for your revision exams as well as for you Public Exam. Teachers found that most of the questions given in this Material was asked in the revision exam 1 and revision exam 2 for the class 12. 
Even our team members found that this material is very good for the students of class 12. This material contains all the chapters of 12th maths, starting from the first lesson till the 12th lesson.

This material also contains formulas for all mathematical sums, which makes the students to understand the sums easily. This study material was prepared by a group of government teachers in madurai district for the sake of students. 

Due to the pandemic situation, class 12 students have not written even a single public exam and they don't have any idea regarding the question paper. They even don't know how will be the question paper, either it will be easy or moderate or difficult. Thus this material might be useful for all the 12th students. 

So our humble request for students is to study well and score good marks in your public examination. 

12th Bio Botany Chapter 2 Important Questions And Notes

12th Botany notes  CHAPTER-2 CLASSICAL GENETICS 1. Write the importance of variations (1) Variations make some individuals better fitted in ...