(Book back questions alone)
1. What is meant by quantisation of charges?
2. Write down Coulomb’s law in vector form and mention what each term represents.
3. What are the differences between Coulomb force and gravitational force?
4. Write a short note on superposition principle.
5. Define ‘electric field’.
6. What is mean by ‘electric field lines’? (DELETED)
7. The electric field lines never intersect. Justify. (DELETED)
8. Define ‘electric dipole’. Give the expression for the magnitiude of its electric dipole moment and the
9. Write the general definition of electric dipole moment for a collection of point charge.
10. Define ‘electrostatic potential”.
11. What is an equipotential surface? (DELETED)
12. What are the properties of an equipotential surface? (DELETED)
13. Give the relation between electric field and electric potential. (DELETED)
14. Define ‘electrostatic potential energy’.
15. Define ‘electric flux’.
16. What is meant by electrostatic energy density?
17. Write a short note on ‘electrostatic shielding’. (DELETED)
18. What is polarisation? (DELETED)
19. What is dielectric strength? (DELETED)
20. Define ‘capacitance’. Give its unit.
21. What is corona discharge?
(red coloured shaded questions are deleted)
1. Why current is a scalar?
2. Define current density.
3. Distinguish between drift velocity and mobility.
4. State microscopic form of Ohm’s law.
5. State macroscopic form of Ohm’s law.
6. What are ohmic and non ohmic devices?
7. Define electrical resistivity.
8. Define temperature coefficient of resistance.
9. Write a short note on superconductors?
10. What is electric power and electric energy?
11. Derive the expression for power P=VI in electrical circuit.
12. Write down the various forms of expression for power in electrical circuit.
13. State Kirchhoff’s current rule.
14. State Kirchhoff’s voltage rule.
15. State the principle of potentiometer. (DELETED)
16. What do you mean by internal resistance of a cell?
17. State Joule’s law of heating. (DELETED)
18. What is Seebeck effect?
19. What is Thomson effect?
20. What is Peltier effect?
21. State the applications of Seebeck effect.
1. What is meant by magnetic induction? (DELETED)
2. Define magnetic flux.
3. Define magnetic dipole moment.
4. State Coulomb’s inverse law.
5. What is magnetic susceptibility? (DELETED)
6. State Biot-Savart’s law.
7. What is magnetic permeability? (DELETED)
8. State Ampere’s circuital law.
9. Compare dia, para and ferro-magnetism. (DELETED)
10. What is meant by hysteresis? (DELETED)
11. Define magnetic declination and inclination. (DELETED)
12. What is resonance condition in cyclotron? (DELETED)
13. Define ampere.
14. State Fleming's left hand rule.
15. Is an ammeter connected in series or parallel in a circuit? Why?
16. Explain the concept of velocity selector.
17. Why is the path of a charged particle not a circle when its velocity is not perpendicular to the magnetic field?
18. Give the properties of dia / para / ferromagnetic materials. (DELETED)
19. What happens to the domains in a ferromagnetic material in the presence of external magnetic field? (DELETED)
20. How is a galvanometer converted into (i) an ammeter and (ii) a voltmeter?
1. What is meant by electromagnetic induction?
2. State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. (DELETED)
3. State Lenz’s law. (DELETED)
4. State Fleming’s right hand rule.
5. How is Eddy current produced? How do they flow in a conductor? (DELETED)
6. Mention the ways of producing induced emf.
7. What for an inductor is used? Give some examples.
8. What do you mean by self-induction?
9. What is meant by mutual induction?
10. Give the principle of AC generator. (DELETED)
11. List out the advantages of stationary armature-rotating field system of AC generator. (DELETED)
12. What are step-up and step-down transformers?
13. Define average value of an alternating current.
14. How will you define RMS value of an alternating current?
15. What are phasors?
16. Define electric resonance.
17. What do you mean by resonant frequency?
18. How will you define Q-factor?
19. What is meant by wattles current?
20. Give any one definition of power factor.
21. What are LC oscillations?
1. What is displacement current?
2. What are electromagnetic waves?
3. Write down the integral form of modified Ampere’s circuital law.
4. Write notes on Gauss' law in magnetism.
5. Give two uses each of (i) IR radiation, (ii) Microwaves and (iii) UV radiation.
6. What are Fraunhofer lines? How are they useful in the identification of elements present in the Sun?
7. Write notes on Ampere-Maxwell law.
8. Why are e.m. waves non-mechanical?
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