Chengalpattu District
Second Assessment test - 2022
12th - Computer science
Time Allowed: 3.00hrs
Max.Marks: 70
Instructions: (1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing.
(2) Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline and pencil to draw diagram.
Part - I
I. Note: (1) All Questions are compulsory 15 X 1 = 15
(2) Choose the most appropriate answer form the given four
alternatives and write the option code and the corresponding answer.
1. Which of the following is a unit of code that is often defined within a greater code
A) Subroutines
(B) Function
(C) Files
(D) Modules
2. Which of the following functions that retrieve information from the datatype?
(A) Constructors
(B) Selectors
(C) Destructor
(D) Recursive
3. Which of the following functions that build the abstract data type?
(A) Constructors
(B) Selectors
(C) Destructor
(D) Recursive
4. The process of binding a variable name with an object is called
(A) Scope
(B) Mapping
(C) late binding
(D) early binding
5. Containers for mapping names of variables to objects is called
(A) Scope
(B) Mapping
(C) Binding
(D) Namespaces
6. From the following sorting algorithms which algorithm needs the minimum number of
(A) Bubble sort
(B) Quick sort
(C) Merge sort
(D) Selection sort
7. Which of the following is not a token?
(A) Interpreter
(B) Identifiers
(C) Keywords
(D) Operators
8. Which sorting is called simple sorting algorithm
(A) Bubble sort
(B) Quick sort
(C) Merge sort
(D) Selection sort
9. Binary search also called
(A)Linear Search
(B) Boolean Search
(C) Number Search
(D) Half-interval search algorithm.
10.Who developed Python ?
(A) Bill Gates
(B) Ritche
(C) Sunder Pitchai
(D) Guido Van Rossum
11.In Python, programs can be written in --- ways?
(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 2
(A) Integrated Design LearningEnvironment
(B) Integrated Development LearningEnvironment
(C) Integrated Develop LearningEnvironment
(D) Insert Development LearningEnvironment
13.This symbol is used to print more than one item on a singleline.
(A) Semicolon(;)
(B) Dollor($)
(C) comma(,)
(D) Colon(:)
14.Which of the following character is used to give comments in Python Program ?
(A) #
(B) &
(C) @
15.Which operator is also called as Conditionaloperator?
(A) Ternary
(B) Assignment
(C) Logical
(D) Relational
Answer any 6 Questions. Q.No. 19 is Compulsory. (6 X 2=12)
16.What is asubroutine?
17. Differentiate Constructor andSelector.
18.What is ascope?
19.Write the inference you get from Y :=(100)
20.What do you mean by algorithmic strategy?.
21.What is anAlgorithmic solution?
22.What is searching? Write its types.
23.Write short notes on Tokens.
24.What are the different operators that can be used in Python?
Answer any 6 Questions. Q.No. 29 is Compulsory. (6 X 3=18)
25. Differentiate Algorithm and program
26.Identify Which of the following are constructors and selectors?
(a) N1=number()
(b) accetnum(n1)
(c) displaynum(n1)
(d) eval(a/b)
(e) x,y= makeslope (m), makeslope(n)
(f) display()
27. Define Local scope with an example.
28. Define Global scope with an example.
29.What are the two different phases of Analysis of algorithm
30.Write short notes on Escape sequences with example
31.What are the assignment operators explain with example that can be used in Python?
32.Explain Ternary operator with examples.
33.What are string literals? Explain.
Answer all of the following Questions. (5 X 5 = 25)
34. What are called Parameters and write a note on
(i) Parameter without Type (ii) Parameter with Type
Discuss in detail about Tokens in python.
35.LEGB rule with example.
What is Binary search? Discuss with example
36. Discuss about Linear search algorithm.
Explain the characteristics of analgorithm.
37.Explain the Bubble sort algorithm with example.
Explain input() and print() functions with examples.
38. Describe in detail the procedure Script mode programming.
Explain the Selection sort algorithm with example.
thanks bro for sharing this material